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Yoast SEO changelog - page 5

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  • Adds readability analysis for Russian.
  • Improves accessibility.


  • Fixes a bug where images with specific aspect ratios where removed from OpenGraph consideration. This was causing unexpected results with Facebook sharing. The aspect ratio check has been removed completely.
  • Fixes a bug where sentences ending in multiple sentence marks, exclamation marks or ellipses were treated as multiple sentences.
  • Fixes a bug where attempting to get Yoast SEO options in multi-site, would result in wrong values being returned.
  • Fixes a bug where the sitemap styling could not be loaded when the Site domain differs from the Admin domain.
  • Fixes a bug where the admin bar still used old copy: Dashboard has been renamed to General.



  • Fixes automatic image size detection for OpenGraph images. When an image was used that was too large, we wouldn't output the og:image tag. That is now fixed.
  • Fixes a bug where portrait images where not allowed for the OpenGraph image.



  • Re-adds wpseo_opengraph_image_size filter. This will completely override any automatic size determination our code does. This filter now also applies to all ways an og:image can be determined: In the content, as a featured image or as set in our Facebook image setting.
  • Fixes an unintended backwards incompatible change which caused "Warning: Illegal string offset ‘url’ in".
  • Fixes an unintended change which caused SVGs to be included in consideration for the og:image tag. SVG images are not allowed by Facebook, so these should never be used in the og:image tag.



  • Updates all Help Center videos with new recordings.
  • Adds functionality to import noindex, nofollow and OpenGraph tags from All in One SEO Pack.
  • Improves consistency of capitalization in settings and tabs.
  • Improves the traffic light icon accessibility.
  • Changes the words 'post type' into 'content type' throughout the plugin.


  • Fixes a bug where the Facebook app-id could no longer be set in the Social settings.
  • Fixes a bug where existing Yoast SEO data could be overwritten when importing data from All in One SEO Pack.
  • Fixes a bug where the Ryte notification is not removed when disabling the Ryte feature.
  • Fixes a bug where setting a page to noindex through the wpseo_robots filter did not properly remove the canonical element.
  • Fixes a bug where attachments connected to password-protected parents are included in the sitemaps. Props Scott Carter.
  • Fixes alignment of the Go Premium notice.



  • Fixes a bug where the option settings that needs to be migrated are backfilled prematurely, resulting in settings not being migrated as expected.
  • Fixes a bug where adding a wpseo_sitemap_entries_per_page is not being applied as expected.



  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error occurs on a taxonomy edit page when social graphs has been disabled for either Facebook or Twitter.
  • Fixes a bug where the breadcrumb path were missing parent entries.
  • Fixes a bug where RSS before and after content settings were being cleaned too aggressively.
  • Fixes the problem that other plugins are depending on the options we've removed. This patch adds those options as backfills to make them available again.



  • Fixes a bug where the some settings are not properly migrated after upgrading to 7.0.



  • Fixes a bug where a non-existing JavaScript chunk file was loaded, causing a console error. This only affected users using a locale different than en_US.



  • Allows more strings to be translated.
  • Adds the passive voice assessment for French.
  • Adds the passive voice assessment for Spanish.
  • Simplifies the feedback message for the assessment that checks whether subheadings contain the keyword.


  • Security hardening through stricter code checks.
  • Reduces the number of times the content analysis is refreshed on page load.
  • Fixes a bug where relative URLs were not counted as internal links in the internal link assessment.
  • Fixes a bug where Premium users would be shown ads when following a certain path through the SEO menu.
  • Fixes a bug where the method of setting the title and meta description templates for the WooCommerce shop page would not work anymore.



  • Fixes a bug where sitemaps could not be generated when there one or more galleries in the content.



  • Allows more strings to be translated.
  • Replaces any Yoast domain URLs with shortlink alternatives.


  • Fixes a bug where the internal links aren't recognized when the site_url is not the same as the home_url.
  • Fixes a bug where the user locale is not used for the Help Center when it is different from the site locale.
  • Removes unsupported PHP 5.2 arguments in an array_unique call in the Term image sitemap.
  • Removes unsupported PHP 5.3 arguments in a json_encode call in the notification functionality.
  • Added support for locales without territory (examples: et, fi) - Props Peeter Marvet.
  • Added support support for 3-letter language codes (example: rhg) - Props Peeter Marvet.
  • Fixes a JavaScript compatibility issue by prefixing the webpack jsonP function with yoast - Props Raitis Sevelis from Visual Composer.



  • Adds support for custom page titles and meta descriptions on the WooCommerce shop page. Props Caleb Burks.
  • Adds support for custom page social titles and descriptions on the WooCommerce shop page.
  • Adds a link to the Google Knowledge Graph article on Props Raaj Trambadia.
  • Adds a link to an article on on why it might be a bad idea to use the same keyword more than once.
  • Changed the meta description maximum recommended length from 156 to 320 characters.


  • Disables the mark buttons of the content analysis when switched to text view.
  • Hides the mark buttons when the WYSIWYG editor is not loaded or the filter wpseo_enable_assessment_markers returns false.
  • Security hardening through stricter code checks.



  • Fixes an issue where a part of the excerpt would be leaked on password protected posts when used as a replacement variable. Such as %%excerpt%% and %%excerpt_only%%. Props to Rolands Umbrovskis for reporting this issue to us.



  • Fixes a bug where older browsers couldn't load the content analysis. This applies to Internet Explorer (10 and lower) and Safari (9.1 and lower).
  • Fixes a bug where the Yoast Metabox wouldn't be shown for posts set to noindex, therefore making it impossible to change it back to index, view Readability scores and not being able to optimize a post, before allowing it to be indexed.
  • Fixes a bug where translations wouldn't be applied in the Yoast SEO Metabox for SEO and Readability scores.



  • Fixes a bug where the configuration wizard could not be loaded, caused by a missing JavaScript dependency.



  • Fixes a bug where the message "You are not receiving updates or support!" is shown incorrectly.
  • Changes the reference to the correct ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO plugin.


  • Adds a plugin suggestion for WooCommerce SEO when WooCommerce is installed.



  • Adds notifications when we detect certain plugins are installed to suggest our AMP and ACF glue plugins.
  • Adds the ability to start the configuration wizard from the admin bar menu.
  • Adds better responsive styling for the video tabs in the Help Center.
  • Replaces the link to Google AdWords with the https variant, props Shane Gray.
  • Changes to the desired spelling of plugin and setup, props Pedro Mendonça.


  • Fixes a bug where the text link counter doesn't count links for scheduled posts when they get published.
  • Fixes a bug where the internal link count is not updated when a post is removed permanently.



  • Fixes a bug where the SEO Manager role was not being able to save SEO settings.



  • Removes legacy license page and shows the new license page by default.
  • Changes references from licenses to subscriptions and sites on the premium submenu page.
  • Changes the appearance of the Help Center in line with our design approach.
  • Introduces an explanation bar when the Cornerstone content filter is active.


  • Fixes a bug where Hebrew slugs aren't decoded on display in the bulk editor.
  • Fixes a bug where the internal link count is not updated when there are no links to that page or post anymore.
  • Fixes the Cornerstone content filter to behave consistently with existing WordPress filters.



  • Fixes Snippet preview error when Yoast metabox has been removed.
  • Changes
  • Change Yoast Blog feed to new endpoint.



  • Updated the Dashboard Widget with a new design.
  • Added additional explanations to the Configuration wizard.
  • Added contentinfo landmark for assistive technologies to the Configuration wizard page.
  • Introduces wpseo_manager and wpseo_editor roles.
  • Introduces wpseo_manage_options capability to control which users have access to all SEO settings.
  • Introduces wpseo_edit_advanced_metadata capability to control which users have access to the advanced SEO settings.


  • Fixed a bug where certain options (site_type, environment_type and has_multiple_authors) would be reset to their default value whenever one of the feature toggles were changed.
  • Ensured that has_multiple_authors gets validated.



  • Replace unsupported query prepare placeholder %1$d with %d to fix broken queries. Fixes compatibility issue with WordPress 4.8.2.



  • Replace unsupported query prepare placeholder %1$s with %d to fix broken queries. Fixes compatibility issue with WordPress 4.8.2.



  • Added a hook to disabled the twitter card. (Props: @petenelson)
  • Performance
  • Replaced the use of get_posts and get_children by WP_Query.


  • Archive pages are excluded from the sitemap based on the noindex setting. (Props: @stodorovic)
  • Prevent the throwing of an error when wpseoPostScraperL10n is not defined.
  • Escapes all input when generating links for the RSS feed.
  • Apply the wp_get_attachment_url filter to Sitemap images.



  • Fixes a bug where table listings were not giving expected content, props Kyle B. Johnson.



  • Fixes a bug where an invalid license notification could be shown in certain situations.



  • Fixes a bug where "mark as fixed" on the search console page didn't work.
  • Fixes a bug where the configuration wizard JavaScript file was too large.



  • Adds missing I18n function call to make a string translatable
  • Adds XML schema for image sitemap, props: stodorovic
  • Adds meta-data on every page, instead of only on the homepage
  • Adds the possibility to filter posts by readability score.
  • Exposes tinyMCEHelper as window.YoastSEO.wp._tinyMCEHelper in JavaScript
  • Exposes the ReplaceVar class in YoastReplaceVarPlugin as window.YoastReplaceVarPlugin.ReplaceVar in JavaScript


  • Adds sanitization for the Twitter Image meta field
  • Fixes use of register_meta for usage in WordPress 4.6 and higher
  • Initialize the providers on hook after_theme_setup to make sure custom providers are added properly, props: stodorovic
  • Changes the label of the "Bad" score to "Needs improvement" while filtering on SEO or readability scores.



  • Added wpseo_pre_adjacent_rel_links filter to bypass built-in rel prev/next functionality.
  • Introduces classes to allow collecting data in the Premium plugin.
  • Renamed to Ryte.
  • Allow WordPress WHIP messages to be dismissed for a period of 4 weeks.
  • Adds a filter for word combinations that consist of a single one-character word.
  • Adds aria-current to the onboarding wizard active step.


  • Removes JQMIGRATE JavaScript warnings.


  • Only load babel polyfill if it hasn't been loaded by another plugin yet.
  • Adds a feature toggle to disable the link counter tool & link columns.
  • Fixes a compatibility issue with WordPress 4.6.
  • Fixes an issue where the link columns would disappear after quick-editing a post.


  • Fixes a fatal error that could occur when trying to save a post that has ``-tags with invalid URLs in it.



  • Fixes a bug where images via https were not working, props Jannik Zschiesche.
  • Fixes a bug where the whip notification can be shown multiple times.


  • Introduces a module that counts links in the content.
  • Adds Flesch Reading for Italian.
  • Changes 'page title' to 'seo title' in the snippet preview.
  • Changes recommended maximum sentence length for Italian from 20 to 25 words, based on more in-depth research.
  • Implements the extracted version of the Algolia Search which is now present in yoast-components.
  • Adds a banner for the structured data course.

Under the hood

  • Introduces a database table to keep track of the linking structure. If the table cannot be created, a notification will be shown.
  • When there are posts or pages to reindex, a notice will be shown.



  • Fixes a bug where there were certain assessments missing when switching to cornerstone content.
  • Fixes a bug where the configuration wizard button was visible for users who didn't have enough rights to access the configuration wizard.
  • Fixes a bug where the column ID was ambiguous, causing an SQL error.
  • Fixes a bug where the category URL in the sitemap was encoded twice.
  • Fixes a bug where an old upgrade notice is not removed.


  • Removes the noodp advanced robots meta value as it is no longer used.
  • Loads the translations only when the configuration wizard endpoint is called, instead of every time rest_api_init is called.



  • Fixes a bug where the tabs in the social and advanced metabox section are gone when keyword analysis has been disabled.


  • Optimizes the way the cornerstone flag is saved.
  • Analyzes the content using cornerstone assessors when a post or page is cornerstone content.



  • Fixes a bug where the analysis wouldn't work on Internet Explorer.



  • Adds transition words for Italian.
  • Adds a new check in the analysis for the presence of at least one internal link.


  • Fixes a bug where the _yst_is_cornerstone meta value was not prefixed, causing some themes/plugins to output this meta value.
  • Fixes a bug where style and script elements were parsed for the prominent words.
  • Fixes a bug where the cursor pointer was in front of the metabox.



  • Improves a language string, props Sören Wrede.
  • Improves the configuration wizard with clear information about the configuration.
  • Adds the ability to mark posts as cornerstone content.


  • Fixes an issue in combination with WooCommerce 3.0 where the plugins would load incompatible select2 versions.



  • Adds a check for the breadcrumbs-home option to prevent a blank entry being added to the crumbs array, props codemonkeynorth


  • Throws a warning in the admin for the RS Head Cleaner plugin, because the plugin cloaks.
  • Improves copy about Yoast SEO Premium benefits.
  • Adds link to our knowledge base article about connecting your website to Google Search Console.



  • Fixes a bug where a span tag wasn't closed correctly, props lubobill1990.
  • Fixes a bug where there were deprecation warnings shown when an existing author was being updated.
  • Fixes a bug where the user received an 'insufficient rights' error when the advanced settings are disabled, but an advanced page is visited.


  • Moves the options to disable keyword and content analysis from the general tab to the features tab.
  • Improves styling of tables so they are viewable on mobile.
  • Changes the links into shortlinks for the extensions page, helpcenter, facebook settings and premium popup.



  • Fixes the width of the readability column on post overview, props rikayla.


  • Improves feedback text for subheading too long assessment.



  • Fixes a fatal error "Call to undefined method yoast_i18nset_api_url()". This error occurred with certain other plugins that also include the i18n-module.
  • Fixes a bug where some strings wouldn't be translated.
  • Makes the Yoast SEO menu top and first item visible in the responsive view.
  • Fixes a bug where the yoast icon on the credits page wasn't displayed properly in some views.


  • Improves the styling of the notification center.
  • Improves the styling of the title separators.



  • Fixes a bug where the sitemaps were being invalidated too often.
  • Fixes a bug where the 'meta keywords' meta box section stayed visible when switching to the readability tab.


  • Moves translations from to
  • Improves the styling of the featured image warning and sends an audible message for screen readers.
  • Makes the left sidebar of the meta box responsive.
  • Removes unused heading from the meta box.
  • Improves responsiveness for settings pages.