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Yoast SEO Premium changelog - page 6

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  • Add feature to export redirects, via SEO - Tools - Import/Export
  • Removes the meta tag
  • When creating a redirect to a file, it will no longer show a warning that the target location does not exist


  • Adds a watcher for private posts to be redirected correctly after trashing them.
  • Adds collecting technical environment data to send to Yoast.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 5.4.0.


  • Adds Italian Insights and Linking Suggestions, props Abramo Tesoro.
  • Fixes a bug where multiple redirect notices pop up when having WooCommerce Tab Manager installed.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 5.1.0.


  • Fixes a bug where the redirect notice popped up unnecessarily.
  • Introduces insights and linking suggestions for French, props Sylvain Perret and Evoque.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 5.0.


  • Fixes a bug where there is a double trailing slash in the javascript for the social previews that was causing errors.
  • Fixes a bug on the Redirects page where spaces were stripped when using the search field.
  • Removes the prominent words version for non-supported languages.
  • Changes the string 'current url' to 'old url' in the Search Console Redirect to match the language in the Redirect Manager.


  • Fixes a bug where 410 redirects could not be imported from .htaccess.
  • Fixes a bug where the 'email support tab' did not work on the edit post page.
  • Adds the slug of a deleted post to the redirect notification.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.7.0.


  • Adds the ability to mark a post as cornerstone content and display this in the link suggestions box.
  • Fixes a bug where the post_modified was updated whenever the prominent words were calculated.
  • Fixes a bug where a JavaScript error was thrown when creating a new taxonomy with a custom field plugin active.
  • Fixes a bug where websites ran into timeouts due to a big query when calculating the prominent words.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.6.0.


  • Fixes a bug where the SEO score wouldn’t be saved correctly, resulting in gray bullets on the post overview screen.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.5.0.


  • Adds redirect types in the Search Console settings page.
  • Checks for links that are already used in the text when suggesting links.
  • Change links to shortlinks in premium translation promo box.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.4.0.


  • Fixes a bug where CSS & JavaScript would be loaded with incorrect version numbers.


  • Fixes a bug where a slow query would be run on every page of the admin.


  • Adds link suggestions and insights for Spanish.
  • Adds variable that indicates the recalculation is running already to prevent double executed recalculations.
  • Adds a warning when there are posts or pages that need to be analyzed for link suggestions.
  • Improves the site wide calculation of the prominent words for the link suggestions.
  • Fixes a bug where the rendering of the columns in the post overview was incorrect.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.3.0.


  • Adds link suggestions and insights for Dutch.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.2.0.


  • Adds a feature toggle to disable link suggestions (site wide).
  • Allows contributors to also use the prominent words that link suggestions depend on, these generated a 403.
  • Adds German support for Yoast internal linking.
  • Improves the user interface for the prominent word recalculation.


  • Adds site wide calculation of prominent words for pages.
  • Fixes a notice that would be thrown on custom post types: "Undefined property: WP_Post_Type::$rest_base".
  • Fixes a bug where the site language would be used for the social previews and select2.
  • Fixes a bug where the link suggestions wouldn't work when the insights block was disabled.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.0.2.


  • Fixes a JavaScript error when editing pages in the admin, this fixes conflicts with page builders.
  • Fixes an uncaught (in promise) error when using the prominent words in combinations with Fusion builder or Divi themes.
  • Adds link suggestions meta box to pages.
  • Fixes a bug where prominent words would be saved too often when editing a post.


  • Adds a metabox "Yoast internal linking" that contains link suggestions for the current post.
  • Adds import functionality for Safe Redirect Manager.
  • Adds import support for Simple 301 Redirects.
  • Fixes import messaging when importing redirects.
  • .htaccess import no longer overwrites the real htaccess file.
  • .htaccess import properly imports all redirects.
  • .htaccess import properly imports redirects with quotes.
  • Fixes a bug where post format archives showed up in sitemap when disabled.
  • Fixes a bug where an old update notice would not be removed.
  • Fixes a bug where keywords with periods where not highlighted in the snippet.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 4.0.


  • Improves the title updates in the social previews.
  • Fixes a bug where the wrong URLs were used in redirect notices.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.9.0.


  • Fixes a bug where keyword tabs didn't have a correct screen reader text.
  • Fixes a bug where certain translations weren't translatable, props Pedro Mendonça
  • Removes React debugging tools from eventual build JavaScript files.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.8.0.


  • Adds a message when no prominent words were detected in the text.


  • Adds an insights section to the Yoast SEO metabox that shows authors the most prominent words in their text.
  • Adds a validation to check if the origin url in a redirect contains the subdirectory in case WordPress is installed in a subdirectory.
  • Improved accessibility of the redirects manager.
  • Fixes a bug where some form fields in the import and export tools were missing labels.
  • Makes the redirects new rows action links translatable.
  • Fixes a PHP Warning when hitting 301 redirect on subdomain multisites.
  • Fixes a bug where the Twitter preview would no longer work when Facebook is disabled in Social.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.7.0.



  • Fixes a bug where the admin bar would still show advanced settings when the advanced settings were disabled.


  • Fixes a JavaScript error that was thrown from redirect notifications when attempting to edit the redirect destination. These notifications are thrown whenever a slug is edited or when a post or term is deleted.


  • Fixes a fatal error when network activating.


  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.5.0.
  • Fixes the slug change and redirects in the quick edit for posts and terms.
  • Fixes title on the redirect settings page.


  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.4.0.
  • Visually improves the redirect dialog by using an overlay.
  • Fixes a bug where a trailing slash was added when redirecting to a file.
  • Fixes a fatal JavaScript error for the featured image on attachment edit pages.


  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO core 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, see the core changelog.


  • Fixes a bug with redirects on a subsite in a multisite installation, props nicholas-eden.
  • Fixes a bug where the tabs inside the metabox weren't aligned properly.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.3.1.


  • Add author name support to the social previews.
  • Add a tab inside the help center to contact support, this replaces the question mark at the bottom right of the page.
  • Fixes a bug where the redirects couldn't be saved to the .htaccess in certain scenarios.
  • Fixes a bug where subdomains would be stripped from target URLs in the redirects.
  • Fixes a bug where the Redirection import wasn't present.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.3.0.


  • Fixes "undefined index" notices when Facebook and/or Twitter have been disabled in settings.
  • Fixes a bug when writing 4xx redirects into the .htaccess file on Apache.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.5.


  • Fixes a regression where the post URL would be numerical when no post title was set.
  • Fixes an issue that would cause notifications not to be dismissed even though they should be.
  • These changes bring Yoast SEO Premium in line with Yoast SEO free 3.2.4.


  • Fixes a bug where notification for a deleted post wasn't shown.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.3.


  • Introduces social previews, you can now see what your posts will look like when they are shared on Facebook and Twitter.
  • The previews will automatically show you when your image is too small.
  • You can use all replace variables you are used to in the Facebook and Twitter previews.
  • Removes the tutorial video page, the videos are now available on every tab.
  • Fixes a bug where Yoast SEO Premium would fatal when activating while Yoast SEO was active.
  • Fixes a bug where the home URL wasn't correctly stripped from the redirect old URL.
  • Fixes a bug where clicking the 'Update now' button on the plugin page didn't update correctly.
  • Includes every change in Yoast SEO 3.2.0.


  • Fixes a few bugs related to term slugs that were altered by our plugin after they were saved. This especially caused issues for terms with parents. We will simply not touch term slugs anymore until the way terms are saved is fixed in WordPress, see also
  • Fixes a bug where we would create redirects if nav menu items were edited.
  • Fixes a bug where redirects to urls with url parameters got appended with a slash.
  • Fixes a bug where adding a parent to a page would cause the slug of that page to detected by us as non-unique and incremented with a number.
  • Fixes a bug where the AJAX request for creating redirects in the search console integration was broken for search console issues for which a 4xx redirect already exists.
  • Merge with Yoast SEO 3.1.2.


  • Fixes a bug where PHP redirects were still broken on servers that disable accessing the server input by making use of the filter extension.
  • Merge with Yoast SEO 3.1.1.


  • Fixes a bug where PHP redirects were broken.
  • Fixes a bug where users could (temporarily) lose their redirects if our upgrade routine would for some reason not be triggered while updating to versions greater than 3.0.7
  • Fixes a bug where slashes were shown in the redirect manager for a redirect without a target url (ie. 410)
  • Fixes a Fatal error that occurred when switching from Free to Premium.


  • Made PHP redirects faster and more efficient.
  • Added an interface to easily serve 410 (content deleted) headers for posts you have just deleted.
  • Added support for creating 451 (legal takedown) headers in the redirect manager.
  • Improved existing validations, ensuring redirects are complete and unique.
  • Added a validation error that checks for a redirect loop.
  • Added validation warnings for the following cases:
    • when a redirect points to an url that is redirected.
    • when a redirect point to a url that cannot be resolved.
    • when a redirect points to a url that doesn't return a 200 OK status code.
  • Changed the interface for inline editing of redirects to resemble the redirect form used to add redirects.
  • Fixes a possible fatal error on update.
  • Replaced checkboxes and radio buttons with toggles on the Premium settings pages.
  • Makes sure post / term slugs uniqueness checks also take into account redirects.
  • Makes sure redirected are redirected both with and without trailing slash.
  • Takes the WP permalink structure into account in deciding if we should redirect to a slug with or without trailing slash.
  • Makes sure links to our knowledge base open in a new window.
  • Added a few knowledge base suggestions to our support beacon on the redirects page.
  • Merge with Yoast SEO 3.1.