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Schema piece - LocalBusiness

Describes a business which allows public visitation. Typically used to represent the business 'behind' the website, or on a page about a specific business.

May be transformed into a more specific type (such as library), or extend an existing Organization if the required conditions are met.


  • Should be output on a page which represents the business in question.
  • Should be output on the homepage when the website represents the business in question, or is a branchOf that business.
  • When the business is the same entity which represents the whole site (e.g., the website represents an Organization, which has local properties), that Organization should be altered/extended into this LocalBusiness provided it meets the requirements below.

Required properties

A valid LocalBusiness must have the following properties.

  • @type: An array of Organization, Place, and the most specific sub-type selected (e.g., ['Organization', 'Place', 'Dentist']).
  • @id: The site's home URL appended by #/schema/Organization/{{ID}}, where {{ID}} is a unique identifier for the organization in question.
  • name: The name of the business.
  • image: A reference-by-ID to an imageObject which represents the business.
  • address: A reference-by-ID to an PostalAddress piece.

Failure scenarios

If any of the required fields are missing or invalid, the node should fall back to a normal Organization (removing any 'local' @type values), whilst retaining any optional properties from below.

Optional properties

The following should be added whenever available and valid:

  • telephone: The primary public telephone number of the business.
  • email: The primary public email address of the business.
  • faxNumber: The primary public fax number of the business.
  • priceRange: The price range of the business, represented by a string of dollar symbols (e.g., $, $$, or $$$ ).
  • areaServed: An array of GeoShape, Place or string definitions.
  • openingHoursSpecification: An OpeningHoursSpecification object.
  • geo: A GeoCoordinates object.
  • url: The canonical URL of the page which represents the business.
  • vatID: The VAT ID of the business.
  • taxID: The tax ID of the business.
  • globalLocationNumber: The GLN of the business.
  • contactPoint: A ContactPoint object.


Minimum criteria

"@context": "",
"@graph": [
"@type": [
"@id": "",
"name": "Example business name",
"image": {
"@id": ""
"address": {
"@id": ""

Extended criteria

"@context": "",
"@graph": [
"@type": [
"@id": "",
"url": "",
"email": "",
"priceRange": "$$",
"areaServed": [
"telephone": "01234 56789",
"faxNumber": "02345 67890",
"name": "Example business name",
"openingHoursSpecification": {
"@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
"dayOfWeek": [
"opens": "09:00",
"closes": "17:00"
"geo": {
"@type": "GeoCoordinates",
"latitude": "51.8066986",
"longitude": "5.7284488"
"vatID": "abc123",
"taxID": "def456",
"image": {
"@id": ""
"address": {
"@id": ""