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Yoast SEO 19.9

Yoast SEO 19.9 is out today. Yoast SEO already supports the Schema necessary for Google's Site Names update, but we've expanded support for it in this release. In addition, we give users more control over what names they can add, including an alternate title. Of course, there's a lot more, so check it out! Read more about what's new in Yoast SEO 19.9 in our release post in English or our release post in Spanish!


  • Adds input fields to overwrite the site name, as well as an extra input field for a (potentially shorter) alternate name. Google introduced new support for site names in Google Search. Yoast SEO already outputs this value correctly, using the WordPress site name. With these changes, we have increased the control site owners have over this value.
  • Improves the Schema output for Organization by no longer putting out an empty array if no social profiles have been added for it.
  • Adds immediate keyphrase tracking after connecting to Wincher.


  • Fixes a bug where a fatal error would be thrown when using the wpseo_breadcrumb_links filter in the wrong way on PHP 8.0+.
  • Fixes a bug where social or canonical URLs containing @ would lead to encoding issues. Props to @stodorovic.
  • Fixes a bug where the buttons in the FAQ and in the how-to block would be hardly visible when using a dark theme.
  • Fixes a bug where the number of words would be counted incorrectly when using Cyrillic script. Props to kudinovfedor.
  • Fixes a bug where the previously used keyphrase assessment would also appear under the readability analysis tab when the cornerstone content toggle would be switched on.
  • Fixes a bug where the SEO optimization routine would give an error when an image file of an image linked in a post could not be retrieved.
  • Fixes a bug where the wrong canonical URL would be set on attachment pages.


  • Adds taxonomy information to breadcrumbs of type "term" to be able to filter them better with the wpseo_breadcrumb_links filter. Props to @svenvonarx.
  • Adds a wpseo_primary_category_admin_pages filter to enable the use of the primary category in the post URL of additional admin pages besides the default ones. Props to @ssvet.
  • Reinstates the wpseo_twitter_card_type filter that was wrongly deprecated in 19.8.