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Yoast SEO 19.1.0

Yoast SEO 19.1 is out today! In this release, we've rolled out some improvements that make the content and SEO analyses more flexible. We've also expanded our range of crawl settings in Premium. Read more about what's new in Yoast SEO 19.1 in our release post in English or our release post in Spanish!


  • Improves text analysis by splitting text on full-stop only when the next sentence is preceded by a whitespace.
  • Prompts users to set up their site in order to take advantage of all SEO features.


  • Fixes a bug where the "Check links to this URL" option on admin bar menu would lead to an error page on setups with home URL different from the site URL. Props to @suascat.
  • Fixes a bug where the network setting for the crawl cleanup feature would default to Disable when the super admin saved settings before upgrading/installing Premium.
  • Fixes a bug which caused the Spanish transition word para ilustrar to not be recognized by the transition words assessment.


  • Adds an informative error message to the steps of the First-time configuration should an error occur.
  • Adds dismissable weekly webinar promo banners to Yoast settings pages & block/Elementor editor sidebars.
  • Adds new disabled toggles to the Crawl settings tab in the General page.
  • Improves handling of OAuth errors in the Wincher integration and clears refresh tokens that seem to be invalid.