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Yoast SEO Meta robots: Functional specification

Yoast SEO always outputs a meta robots tag in the <head> of every page. When a user wishes to proactively restrict the crawling, indexing, or presentation of a page by search engines (via our controls), we alter the content of that tag.

The tag takes the following format: <meta name="robots" content="{{values}}" />.

Constructing {{values}}

Given that a meta robots tag may have multiple (potentially conflicting) values, and that multiple overlapping conditions may apply, then:

Standard structure

Yoast SEO outputs the following meta robots tags by default on each (public) page, with the following structure:

<meta name="robots" content="{{values}}, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1" />

This provides generic instructions to all robots, and, opts users into Google and Bing's specific handling of snippet/media restrictions.

Unless otherwise defined by the user (or via page/template/filtering logic), {{values}} outputs index, follow.


On non-public pages

Any 'non-public' page - i.e., a page, post or archive type which the user has determined should not appear in search results (e.g., via our Search Appearance settings) - should return noindex and follow properties. E.g., <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow" />

Custom controls per-post/page

Any advanced/custom properties which a user specifies for a given post or page should be returned in the {{values}} property, as defined.

If a noindex value is set, then the page should be treated as if it is non-public (see above).

Error templates

No robots tag should be output on 4xx and 5xx templates.

Resolving conflict

In the case of opposing directives, the most restrictive setting should always take precedence, using the following rules:

  • noindex over index.
  • nofollow over follow.
  • none over nofollow OR noindex.

E.g., a combination of index, noindex, noimageindex and follow values should result in an output of noindex, follow (as noindex is more restrictive than index, and noimageindex is redundant when combined with noindex; see docs for a full overview of value relationships).