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Yoast SEO 15.0

Today, we’re launching Yoast SEO 15.0. This release features some awesome new additions and enhancements. We’ve added full support for Arabic and made the Yoast SEO block editor sidebar fully-featured. Read more about those changes in our release post!


  • Introduces an advanced settings tab in the sidebar.
  • Introduces buttons in the sidebar to open the Facebook and Twitter Preview in a modal.
  • Changes the Google Preview modal styling to match the other new modals.
  • Always shows the Google Preview editor fields and as a result removes the 'Edit snippet' button.
  • Changes the styling of the Yoast SEO sidebar to match the standard Gutenberg styling.
  • Slightly rearranges the order of items in the Yoast SEO sidebar.
  • Adds a hover state styling to the items in the Metabox.
  • Improves the English transition word assessment by adding the following words to the transition word list: 'note that', 'not only', 'initially', 'as opposed to'.
  • Improves the keyphrase and prominent word recognition when words in the text occur with specific Arabic or Urdu punctuation marks.


  • Fixes a bug where the value of the schema @type could contain null.
  • Fixes a bug where the archive, imageindex and snippet robot values would be output when noindex was present as well.
  • Fixes a bug where the indexable permalinks could have an incorrect value when the term slug was changed.
  • Fixes a bug where parts of the content of a password protected post could be output in the schema.
  • Fixes a bug where the 'Stop counting' button in the text link counter modal wouldn't stop the counting of links.
  • Fixes a bug where indexable hierarchies were not being created during bulk indexing.


  • Adds the wpseo_sitemap_index_links filter to enable adding links to the sitemap index. Props to Joseph Paul.