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Yoast SEO 11.6

Yoast SEO 11.6 is out today. Of course, we did the regular round of bug fixing, but the focus of this release is two-fold: a new, much easier to use tabbed interface for the meta box and an updated HowTo structured data content block for WordPress. Find out all about Yoast SEO 11.6 in our 11.6 release post!


  • Changes the tabs in the metabox to horizontal tabs.
  • Splits the content optimization tab in the metabox into two separate tabs: an SEO and a Readability tab.
  • Updates HowTo schema output to reflect Google's new guidelines.
  • Makes sure the media modal that is triggered for image uploads only displays images.


  • Fixes a bug where the Schema @id for Person would be incorrect on posts when author archives where disabled.
  • Fixes a bug where the Schema would contain WebPage instead of CollectionPage for a latest posts homepage and the static posts page type.
  • Fixes a bug where the Organization and Article Schema nodes would incorrectly be output when a website had not set their organization's name and/or logo.
  • Fixes a bug where the eye marker tooltips would break out of the metabox, which would hide the last part of the tooltip text.
  • Fixes a bug where instances of unfiltered HTML would be allowed in term descriptions where they shouldn't be.