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Yoast Video SEO 1.4.2

Bugfixes / enhancements

  • Try to prevent timeout on license validation.
  • Clean up of a lot of regexes in the plugin.
  • Prevent relative image URL paths and images set as just 'h'.
  • Prevent double output of posts.
  • Fixed small bug that would prevent youtube URLs with the video ID in a weird place in the URL from working.
  • Improve Wistia embed support.
  • Lengthen timeout for video info requests.

New features

  • Added support for html5 video elements (d'0h!).
  • Add support for [vimeo id= and [youtube id= embed codes
  • Added support for self-hosted videos with just a file URL in custom field. In these cases the featured image is used as thumbnail.
  • Added generic fallback to post thumbnail image if there is no video thumbnail.