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Yoast SEO Premium: Disabling the autoloading of the redirect options

Since Yoast SEO Premium 17.7 the two options (wpseo-premium-redirects-export-plain and wpseo-premium-redirects-export-regex) used to calculate the redirect destinations are autoloaded to save two queries. If the number of redirects grows bigger, you may be interested in disabling the autoloading of such options, e.g. when you are using object caching and the autoloaded options pass the maximum object size limit.
Switching the autoload value to no for the two options in the database is not enough, because Yoast SEO Premium will force the options to be autoloaded again.

In Yoast SEO Premium 20.13 we introduced the Yoast\WP\SEO\redirects_options_autoload to assist you in changing this behaviour. You can add this code to your theme's functions.php to prevent Yoast SEO Premium to force the autoloading of the redirect options:

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\SEO\redirects_options_autoload', '__return_false');

Please note that this is not enough, by itself, to stop the autoloading: you will still need to switch the autoload value to no for the two options in the database. You can also add/delete a redirect in the Redirect manager, or edit one (as long as it's actually changed and not saved as it is), but if this is a plain redirect, only the wpseo-premium-redirects-export-plain autoload will change, and the same for regex redirects.

Besides the value for autoload, the filter also accepts two parameters: the type of the redirects (either plain or regex) and the array of the redirects currently defined.
So for example you can ensure that the option for plain redirects won't be autoloaded, while keeping the default behaviour for the regex redirects. Add a snippet like this one in your theme's functions.php:

function yoast_set_autoload_no_plain( $autoload, $type, $redirects ) {
if ( $type === 'plain' ) {
return false;
return $autoload;

add_filter( 'Yoast\WP\SEO\redirects_options_autoload', 'yoast_set_autoload_no_plain', 3, 10);