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Yoast SEO 2.3.3

  • Removes the autocomplete functionality from the focus keyword field in the Yoast SEO metabox because Google is shutting down its autocomplete API as of August 10th.


  • Introduces a dismissible notice encouraging users to connect with Google Search Console.
  • Improves the dashboard widget to only show posts which are actually editable by the current user.
  • Makes the plugin conflict notices persistent and dismissible. Once dismissed, it will no longer be shown for the specific set of conflicting plugins the notice has been dismissed for.
  • Contains a few textual improvements.
  • Makes sure the counts are updated correctly and intuitively when marking a Search Console issue as fixed.


  • Fixes a bug where current_user_can was called before init, props Claudio Sanches.
  • Fixes a bug where the article:publisher metatag was also included on pages that were not of type 'article'.
  • Fixes a bug where the link to the list of posts with the same focus keyword was broken for focus keywords containing a space.
  • Fixes a bug where a h3 header was being closed with a h2 closing tag.
  • Fixes a bug where the Google Search Console issues table was giving errors on installs running on PHP 5.2.
  • Fixes a bug where the sitemap caches were no longer being cleared when running Yoast SEO in the upcoming 4.3 release of WordPress.