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Yoast SEO 12.4

After releasing several updates to our snippet preview in previous releases, Yoast SEO 12.4 now shows an image for your post in the mobile snippet preview, just like Google would. We have several other improvements and fixes for you in store with Yoast SEO 12.4. Find out more in our 12.4 release post!


  • Adds "schema" as keyword to the structured data blocks to make them show up for that search term in the block search as well.
  • Adds an image to the mobile snippet preview for posts and terms.
  • Changes the readability score for empty content from "Needs Improvement" with a red icon to "Not Available" with a gray icon. Props to emilyatmobtown.
  • Updates the URLs used to ping Google and Bing about the location of a sitemap. Props to @emilyatmobtown.
  • Makes the notice about running an old WordPress version more specific by showing the installed WordPress version and the latest WordPress version.
  • Adds information about enabling Open Graph to the Twitter settings. Props to @stevenfranks.


  • Fixes a bug where no Twitter and Facebook image could be set for attachment pages.
  • Fixes a bug where a nested paragraph would be present in the "noindex" metabox warning.
  • Fixes a bug where Google+ data would still be exported in the settings export.