← Back to changelogs overviewYoast News SEO 2.2.3
- Fixes a bug where an invalid argument error could be raised when visiting the sitemap.
- Fixes a bug where the sitemap could contain wrongly formatted publication dates.
- Fixes a bug where the
filter wasn't working properly.
- Fixes a bug where the News sitemap genre wasn't saved on posts.
- Fixes a bug where the sitemap didn't always contain the correct image url, props Marcus Jaschen.
- Fixes a bug with duplicate keywords in the news sitemap.
- Fixes an issue where the Editor's pick RSS took very long to load, by only fetching the selected post types from the database.
- Fixes a bug where the default keywords and the meta news keywords weren't added to the sitemap.
- Introduces a few string improvements.
- Added 9 new languages: en_GB, es_ES, es_MX, fr_FR, he_IL, it_IT, nl_NL, ro_RO and tr_TR.